Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Gannett Does NOT Care About an Advertiser Dealing with Iran. Susie Can YOU Ask Bob Dickey WHY? Ask Him about Mayor Bloomberg Too?

Message to Reince Priebus

This was sent out to over 100 journalist & NOBODY researched it or asked WHY?

"Today at Starbucks a lady from the Peoples Church in Franklin told me she prays for me everyday.  She said 'I know if you didn't blog you'd be dead' she said she's dealt with Good Ole Boys too"  Sharyn Bovat a woman who whistle blew in Tennessee and had been terrorized for over 3 years.  

"Be the change you want to see in the world."

On Apr 4, 2012, at 4:09 PM, sharynbovat@aol.com wrote:

Mr. Dickey,

Below I sent to political leaders in Tennessee   -  there was a press conference today in NYC at the auto show:  Last night Mayor Bloomberg appeared with Carlos Ghosn with the new taxi. FYI-  I was told Bloomberg pushed the taxi contract to Nissan due to his connection with Goldman Sachs maybe you could use your investigative team?   Also some of the SAME parts used in New York city taxis will be used in Tehran for Renault vans.   Mr. Dickey I hope the media picks it up.  Sir are we on the same team?   The team is AMERICA


April 3, 2012
Contact: Nathan Carleton, press@uani.com
Phone: (212) 554-3296

UANI, NYC Officials, Call on Nissan to Withdraw from Iran   
As Nissan Promotes Itself in NYC, UANI Highlights Nissan's Extensive Business in Iran

UANI, Public Advocate, Iran 180 to Participate in Press Conference Tomorrow

New York, NY - On Tuesday, United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) called on Nissan, the recipient of a $1 billion contract to manufacture NYC's "Taxi of Tomorrow," to immediately end its business in Iran and sever its ties to dangerous Iranian regime entities.

This week, UANI is joining New York City Public Advocate Bill de Blasio in calling on Nissan to withdraw from Iran, where Nissan is currently active in partnership with Iranian entities controlled by the Iranian regime and the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC).

On Wednesday, April 4, at 12:00 noon, UANI will join Public Advocate de Blasio, New York Assemblyman Dov Hikind, and Iran180 at a press conference at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center (655 West 34th Street, northwest corner of 11th Avenue, Manhattan) to highlight the activities of foreign auto manufacturers, including Nissan, in Iran.

In a letter to Nissan Chairman & CEO, Carlos Ghosn, UANI CEO, Ambassador Mark D. Wallace, wrote:

UANI also remains concerned that Nissan, through its extensive partnership with Pars Khodro and Saipa Group, as well as Renault's partnership with Iran Khodro, is doing business with Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps ("IRGC"), the brutal and corrupt apparatus in Iran that directs the regime's nuclear weapons program and terrorist activities across the globe. Saipa Group and Iran Khodro are subsidiaries of the Iranian Development and Renovation Organization ("IDRO"), an entity blacklisted by the U.S., UK and EU for its activities in a wide range of nuclear and military activities. Moreover, the IRGC commander, Rostam Ghasemi, currently holds a position on IDRO's Board of Directors. In August 2010, the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Asset Control ("OFAC") formally sanctioned Mr. Ghasemi.

Through its control of Saipa Group and other major manufacturers, the Iranian regime and the IRGC hold an effective and lucrative monopoly on the Iranian automotive manufacturing sector. By partnering with the Iranian regime, Nissan is supplying the technology and funds necessary for the IRGC to perpetuate this monopoly, continue its dominance over large swaths of the Iranian economy and fund its efforts to pursue weapons of mass destruction and sponsor terrorism around the globe.

UANI and its supporters find Nissan's Iran business particularly disturbing in light of the fact that Nissan is expected to receive approximately USD 1 billion as part of New York City's "Taxi of Tomorrow" program. Under the terms of the contract, Nissan will manufacture up to 26,000 new vehicles for New York City over the next ten years. New York taxpayer dollars should not benefit a corporation that partners with a regime that is the world's number one state sponsor of terror and has formed an alliance with al-Qaeda.

Nissan can be part of this global solution by following the lead of other companies and ending its business activities in Iran. In so doing, Nissan can play an important role in denying funding to the IRGC as well as pressuring the regime in Tehran to change course from the dangerous path it is currently pursuing. ...

The Taxi of Tomorrow campaign was a competition designed to select New York City's exclusive taxi cab for a decade. In January 2011, UANI called on New York City to refuse to award the contract to companies that conduct business in Iran. 

One of the three finalists, Turkey's Karsan Otomotiv ("Karsan"), demonstrated to UANI that it had withdrawn from Iran and committed to foregoing any business there until Iran fulfills its obligations to the international community related to its illegal nuclear program. The other finalist, Ford, does not do business in Iran, yet New York City chose to award the lucrative deal to Nissan.

Additionally, UANI has developed model legislation, The DRIVE Act, to force auto manufacturers to choose between American taxpayers and the regime. The DRIVE Act requires automakers to certify they are not engaged in any business in Iran, or engaged in the implementation of any agreement with Iranian entities in order to be eligible for U.S. government contracts or financial assistance.

Click here to read UANI's full letter to Nissan.
Click here to view UANI's 2011 newspaper ad about Nissan.

The Taxis NISSAN is making for NYC will be built in Mexico and 40+% of profits go to Renault and the French goverment have historically supply Iran with weapons and resources.
Please tell NISSAN to stop doing business in Iran. Especially since NISSAN has so much Tennessee ECD $$$ & has BILLIONS in IDB debt with the state of Tennessee.  Sir New Yorkers have already "caught on" to the issues.

FYI- a guy connected to the Department of Defence told me that car parts Nissan uses to build cars in Iran can and most likely are used in weapon creation.   People in Tennessee are basically helping our enemy IRAN build their "ammo"  ...  Years ago i spent time with a Palestinion guy connected to the Iranian Guard... He was "creepy" the only way for America to win the war on terror is for ya'll to make a UNITED stand and say NO company that deals with terrorist gets money from tne State of Tennessee.  

Thank you for reading,

Have a great Day!   Sharyn

On Mar 28, 2012, at 2:30 PM, sharynbovat@aol.com wrote:

"We wish to convey to the company's stakeholders our terrible sadness at this outcome," said Azure Dynamics  words from their statement today when they announced BANKRUPTCY

Letter to Staffing Company Connected to the Most Powerful Good Ole Boy Network in Tennessee:

This is Sharyn Bovat I was considered the top relocation consultant in Middle Tennessee. When I whistle blew about DOE fraud, discrimination, and corruption at Nissan North America I was was bullied and harassed.  Warrants were sworn out and I was jailed 3 times, a 4th warrant was accidentally put in the system after I was on local TV complaining about diversity issues in the schools, I've endured 19+ months of court appearances, a state trooper stalked me(2010), Michael Thomason of Governor Bredesen's administration befriended me and became my bridge partner, I've had death threats, Nissans circled my home, my child has suffered & a LOT more.  

LBMC I want to go back to work and I have a class C misdemeanor on my record until I can get the #### out of Tennessee I want to be busy. Currently I'm working on a press release to ask Governor Haslam for an exoneration and expungement. 

Im INNOCENT of the crime = to a speeding ticket.  Basically I was on property that I was told to not go to BECAUSE I thought due to the fact the man (Dominique Thormann) who ordered the letter telling me I could not be at Nissan (the same as the man that asked congress for OVER 1 Billion tax dollars to build an electric car that insiders at Nissan told me was going to "fail" and jobs would not be created) .... since he LEFT Nissan (after I put on my blog that he was a bad spender of taxpayer money) then I thought it was OK for me to go to Nissan North America on July 7th 2010.   I went to the office because NISSAN had not helped me with my references or training like they had promised after I whistle blew.  In fact Nissan executives slandered me, some people were told that I was gay.  Luckily I proved that was NOT true
www.sorrysilverman.com  then yesterday a local said they thought I was bi-sexual.  HELLO!!!  The slander that happened to me was real.  This is a homophobic society. What NISSAN executives that did deals with Matt Kisber and Reagan Farr did to discredit me was horrible.

Mr. Tavares a Nissan board member emailed me in February 2010 (the letter ordered by Thormann used to have me arrested was done in July 2009) and I had met with people in 2010 that were aware I might be getting a job at Nissan Motors AFTER the letter was ordered.  Even in 2011 I heard from people connected to the TOP Nissan management in japan.  I had a call from the head of one of Nissan's vendors in July 2011. A Corporate VP in Japan told him to call me.  Why?   http://www.tennesseerelocationadvice.com/

Still in February I was found guilty of a class C misdemeanor= to a speeding ticket.  The fact is I was NOT wrong... I'm right. I'm a victim of selective prosecution.  The DA's office NEVER should have let the judicial harassment go on so long.  Nissan hired a bunch of lawyers to work on having me discredited.  A former DA named Joe Baugh was used to baby sit my case.  For over 19th months I fought the Tennessee courts.  Maybe the NISSAN Fraud is connected to the SOLAR "deals" from Bredesen's ECD:  http://www.newschannel5.com/story/17260454/newschannel-5-investigates-solar-tax-cut 

The jury could NOT understand my rational: A lady in the gallery watching was wearing Nissan logowear I was RAILROADED.
Luckily MOST of America understands that I was abused by the Tennessee courts and so do MANY Tennesseans.  "Educated" people "get it" they understand that corporations can be "evil (a southern word)" 

In Tennessee the jury was "tainted" by the mainstream media.  I've got proof. 

Still I paid the $50 fine and court cost JUST to "get my life back"... Two other charges against me were dropped.  One in the summer of 2010 and the other in February 2012.  Those charges could have had me jailed for 11 months. Had a "new" judge NOT been assigned to my case I'd have been jailed simply for trying to protect the American tax payers.  The stress I've been under knowing that Tennessee wanted me railroaded is bad for over a year I've documented my blood pressure and it's high.....

LBMC: The fact is Tennessee is the MOST corrupt state in America and Matt Kisber and Reagan Farr were involved with some "iffy" deals and because I'm a former researcher connected to the CIA they wanted me discredited.  The NISSAN CEO Carlos Ghosn "most likely" did deals with Iran during Iran Contra,   Senator Corkers office has taken issues of fraud to the DOJ www.EricHolderInvestigateThis.com

LBMC Ya'll gonna help me?

Sharyn Bovat

Sent from my iPad

On Mar 29, 2012, at 2:31 PM, sharynbovat@aol.com wrote:

NEW YORK, Mar 29, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Today, United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) and Iran180 joined New York City Public Advocate Bill de Blasio at a Manhattan press conference, to announce the launch of a new website, IranWatchList.com, and a corresponding consumer action campaign to pressure companies that do business in Iran.

The campaign’s first targets are 12 carmakers that continue to sell vehicles in Iran--including to Iran’s military--despite the latest round of economic sanctions. Many of these companies will promote themselves at the New York Auto Show, beginning next week.

The 12 automakers displayed in the Watch List’s “Virtual Showroom” are Fiat, Isuzu, Kia, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Peugeot, Porsche, Renault, Suzuki, Toyota and Volvo. Combined, they sell more than 650,000 vehicles per year in the country--making it the second-largest sector of Iran’s economy. Despite escalating sanctions, the automotive sector in Iran continues to grow in large part due to these companies’ investments.

Sharyn Bovat

Sent from my iPad

On Mar 29, 2012, at 2:33 PM, sharynbovat@aol.com wrote:

DOE Money Given to Company that Deals with Terrorist....

NEW YORK, Mar 29, 2012 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- Today, United Against Nuclear Iran (UANI) and Iran180 joined New York City Public Advocate Bill de Blasio at a Manhattan press conference, to announce the launch of a new website, IranWatchList.com, and a corresponding consumer action campaign to pressure companies that do business in Iran.

The campaign’s first targets are 12 carmakers that continue to sell vehicles in Iran--including to Iran’s military--despite the latest round of economic sanctions. Many of these companies will promote themselves at the New York Auto Show, beginning next week.

The 12 automakers displayed in the Watch List’s “Virtual Showroom” are Fiat, Isuzu, Kia, Mazda, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Peugeot, Porsche, Renault, Suzuki, Toyota and Volvo. Combined, they sell more than 650,000 vehicles per year in the country--making it the second-largest sector of Iran’s economy. Despite escalating sanctions, the automotive sector in Iran continues to grow in large part due to these companies’ investments.

Sharyn Bovat

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